Mommy Growing up: Versatile Blogger Award

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

I was elated when I was honored with the awesome Versatile Blogger Award, not just once but twice. I got the first time within the first month of actively joining the blogosphere, awarded by no less than the amazing mom blogger Barbara from Spanish4Kiddos. I so love her blog since it teaches kids and adults alike like me the Spanish language, the fun way. Thank you so much Barbara! Then few weeks later, I was again honored by the fabulous Beauty and the Green. I so love her blog that features various inspiring pieces of art and fashion, from trendy clothes to chic accessories, name it. Thanks girl! If you have the moment, please check out and visit their cool sites too.

This award has few rules. First is to thank and link back to the person who gave you this award. Second, share seven things about yourself. And third, send the award to 15 other bloggers and let them know you have awarded them.

For the seven things about myself, I'll disclose at least seven weird ones:

1. I'm an avid procrastinator. I procrastinate on everything. I procrastinate even on my meal and sleeping time. With that said, my sincere apologies for procrastinating in passing this very cool award. I was really terribly busy these past crazy school months. I'm still terrible with my time management.
2. I just love horror movies especially the crazy zombies, but not the scarier Chainsaw Massacre thing. I know it's weird.
3. I'm scared of heights, really! But I love conquering it. Riding the scary Diving Machine G5 that drops a vertical 180 feet at a speed of 68 mph made me experienced a near-death moment. I survived it. Then riding the very scary Turbo Drop and Taiwan's tallest Ferris wheel (289 ft tall) all at Janfusun Fancyworld somehow helped me conquer this fear. Bungee jumping? I still say no, it's too much.
4. I love to sing although singing just doesn't love me lol. I sing when I'm sad, or worried, or praying, or happy, or even when driving. Weird, right?
5. I'm a nocturnal. I'm sluggish at daytime and active at night. I worked effectively at night ~ either doing my experiments or writing my reports. However, I know this is bad for my health. Still trying to change my style.
6. I'm one tardy lady. I'm always late even on events or parties I organized. They made fun of me saying that it's good my guests are all my good friends and they still love me though they hate the tardy part lol. Again, I'm still working on my time management.
7. I love cracking my fingers' knuckles. I cringe at the idea that such habit might deform my fingers. But I just can't stop myself from doing it. I'm addicted. So far, all fingers are fine and normal. But I'm working on stopping it, like for years  now.

That said, I hope you will still like me even if I'm that weird and unlikable lolz.

Now, I'm passing on this award to 15 more interesting versatile blogging sites. This may not be their first, but still they deserve the award. Here they are (not in order):

Congratulations guys!
I love these blogs, so I'm pretty sure you would love them too! Have fun!


  1. Wow, thank you very much!!! My first award:)

    Thank's for liking my blog:)I'm so flattered:)

    Have a great day:)

  2. aw. thank u so much! its my first award for this blog. i really appreciate it.

  3. Congrats and thanks for the award!It's funny coz' I'll watch any kind of horror EXCEPT for the crazy zombie ones...hehehe

  4. Thanks Kate, thank you very much for the award.

  5. Congrats on receiving the Versatile award, you deserve it. So good to read that it's passed along to other great bloggers. Your blog is awesome and hope that you're together with your family soon. Thank you so much for your kind words.

  6. Congrats on the versatile blogger award! WAHOO! Your blog IS adorable! :)


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